It’s Not OK to Be Away is an initiative building a school and community approach to the issue of student attendance. The initiative is designed to change community and student attitudes to school attendance. It requires the support of both parents and the community if student attendance is to be successfully addressed. It’s Not OK to Be Away promotes two key messages:
- Student attendance is the responsibility of everyone in the community
- Effective Schools monitor, communicate and implement strategies to improve regular school attendance, as this is a prerequisite for improving educational outcomes.
Attending school on a regular basis is vital for all students in Prep to Grade 6 so that they can access all they need to learn throughout their 7 years of primary schooling. This attendance is related to curriculum in that if the students have a high absence rate, their immersion in the curriculum is severely reduced.
How many days of school has your child missed this semester?
0-6 This is within normal range. A child with this attendance rate is able to take full advantage of the teaching and learning opportunities available to them. |
7-10 This attendance rage is below average. A child with this attendance rate could miss over one year of schooling between prep and Year 10. |
11-20 This is a poor attendance rate. A child with this attendance rate days could miss out on up to two years of schooling between prep and Year 10. |
20+ This is a very poor attendance rate. A child with this attendance rate could miss over two and one half years of schooling between prep and Year 10. |
The ‘fallout’ of poor attendance is very real. These students will be at risk of not achieving their potential and therefore limit their life choices. Also, other real consequences are:
- Social isolation
- Will have gaps in their learning of knowledge and basic concepts
- May feel insecure in the school environment
- More likely to leave school early
- Could lead to school refusal further in their education
- May place themselves at risk of harm while absent
- Could get too easily involved in socially unacceptable and / or illegal activities
We appreciate that there are times when students are ill or when family holidays need to be taken during the school term, but we are outlining the importance of those other times that absences occur.
Benefits of Regular School Attendance
For Students:
For the Community:
Before & After School Care – Team Kids
TeamKids is the premium provider that exists to enrich children’s lives before school, after school and throughout the school holidays.
Before & After Care Available Here!
When attending TeamKids before and after school care, your children are in remarkable hands. Our full-time Director of Service is highly experienced in the field, and their number one priority is fun – your child will love the experiences we have on offer every day at TeamKids.
When children join our team, not only are they able to explore their world through our designated activity zones and TeamKids Clubs, but they’ll get to connect, collaborate and learn with others in a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters their individuality and own unique interests.
They’ll also enjoy an incredible menu, jam-packed with nutritious and delicious food. One thing is for sure, your child will not go hungry.
From the moment you walk through the door, TeamKids provides an atmosphere that is welcoming, relaxed and inclusive. At every opportunity, we aim to promote child agency and help to shape their innate leadership skills through a variety of in-house leadership opportunities and fun, engaging rewards programs.
We offer industry-leading educator to child ratios of 1:10 (industry standard is 1:15), resulting in safer, better supervised experiences for all involved.
All our programs are fully approved under the National Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
We’re excited and look forward to welcoming you to the TeamKids Family.
To find out more, register or book, click here

Our School uses “Compass School Manager” and can be accessed by our parents by clicking the link below. We also use the “Compass School Manager” iPhone and Android App to help us communicate more effectively with our Parent/Student community.
We advise all of our parents/students to install our “Compass School Manager” App.
To install it, just search for Kunyung Primary School “Compass School Manager” in either the Apple App Store, or Google Play Store.
School Publications
School Policies
Kunyung Primary School is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe.
Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote, and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students.
As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Kunyung Primary School we welcome and encourage your feedback before the next review of the above policies.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact our Child Safety Champion, Assistant Principal, Craig Entwistle.
Click here to see policies (A - G)
Click here to see Child Safe Standards Policies
Click here to see policies (H - Z)
IB Policies
Frankie Goes to School is Kunyung’s 2024 canteen provider.
Open Tuesday – Friday
Cafe 8:30-9:30am
Kiosk Recess & Lunch
Order via (ordering closes 9pm the night before)
Follow them on Instagram

First Aid
Kunyung Primary School has a First Aid officer on duty at recess and lunch time. Before school, during class time and after school other staff are on call to assist all staff, students and visitors to our school.
During Recess and Lunch students are encourage to speak to the yard duty teachers for minor accidents in the yard before entering the first aid room. All yard duty teachers contact the school office for more serious accidents should they occur.
Medication at School
There are times when children require medication during the day. We are happy to administer medication. Please see the Office staff if you wish medication to be administered. All medication must be stored in the office.
Some people are highly allergic to food, bees and insects. Severe cases that have been medically diagnosed are referred to as Anaphylaxis. If your child has been medically diagnosed you must provide the school with an action plan from the doctor and supply the school with a current epipen.
This is a very common condition. If your child suffers with Asthma, please supply the school with an Asthma Management Plan and ensure that you student always has their medication with them at school.
Any specific medical plan required for your child requires the teacher, parent, student to complete a Health Care Plan so that all students receive the best care possible.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is operated by Peninsula Uniforms & Embroidery and is open on the following days:
Monday – Friday – 7:30am – 4:30pm
Purchases can be arranged via email to:
Payments can be made with Peninsula Embroidery & Uniforms either:
– over the phone or
– by including payment details within the email.
(All prepaid orders will be left at the office for students and/or parents to collect on the following Tuesday.)
A representative from Peninsula Uniforms & Embroidery attends the school every Tuesday from 3 – 4pm.
Limited samples and sizes are available at school during these times and orders can be placed directly with the representative. Cheques cannot be accepted. Please see the attached price list for more information.
Contact Us
We welcome your enquiries. Please click on the button to contact the school with any enquiry. We will pass on to the appropriate person, who will contact you as soon as possible. Alternatively please email the school directly to: