IB Philosophy
“Students in the 21st century are faced with the challenge of learning about an interconnected world where knowledge is constantly developing. The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme prepares students to be active participants in a lifelong journey of learning.”
Our programs align with the IB Mission Statement:
“The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.”
For further information, please visit the IBO Website.

Transdisciplinary Learning
Inquiries at Kunyung Primary School are Action based. Opportunities to take action occurs throughout all stages of the Inquiry Process.
Kunyung Primary School also recognises the importance of students developing their Approaches to Learning. These approaches to learning are deliberate strategies, skills and attitudes that are part of all areas of the teaching and learning environment, as we recognise the importance of students knowing both what what they are learning and also how they are learning.
Students are supported to develop their Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Social Skills, Self-management Skills and Research Skills throughout all curriculum areas. The Approaches to Learning also support our commitment to developing and supporting the ongoing wellbeing of our students.

We believe highly developed literacy skills have never been as important as they are today and as crucial to our planet’s welfare. It is only through developing outstanding levels of oral language, reading and writing skills that we can learn to engage with complex and far reaching issues to communicate our ideas and actively discuss, question and build on other people’s viewpoints. The teaching of language plays a crucial role in equipping our students with the skills needed to become effective and engaged learners in a wide range of community contexts.
In order to achieve these overarching aims for our students we work collaboratively with our outstanding teachers at Kunyung to discuss, plan and teach our quality curriculum. We assess each student’s progress and analyse this data to make plans for future teaching and learning in ongoing cycles. In this way we are always striving to deliver a Literacy program that is tailored to each student’s current needs and abilities.
Language skills are explicitly taught and developed within our units of inquiry and in real life contexts. Our students learn language, learn about language and learn through language:
Oral Language
speaking and listening
Visual Language
viewing and presenting
Written Language
reading and writing
Literacy Support
Each year, students in year 1 who are having difficulty learning to read and write, are selected for a series of Literacy Intervention sessions. The Literacy Intervention enables children to be given small group oral language support to become active and independent readers and writers, better able to join in the daily literacy activities of the classroom. One of the key ways in which students are selected is through our early assessment and data collection which is shared within our collaborative planning times as Junior class teachers and shared with our Literacy Intervention Support Leader.

Learner Agency…
The aim is to make our Mathematics program enjoyable and relevant to our students interests and capabilities, providing them with tools and strategies for inquiring into the goals they are aspiring to achieve.
Problem solving/ other areas of maths…
We encourage our students to be problem finders and problem solvers; as such we run dedicated sessions whereby students apply their skills and understanding to the Problem Solving Process.
At Kunyung we aim to develop, in our students, a comprehensive understanding of Mathematics; assisting them them to organise and make sense of their world and establish the skills necessary for bright and productive futures.
Numeracy Support
Similar to our Literacy Intervention Support, students who need extra support in Year 1 & 2 are identified early each year through rigorous assessment and moderation by our Junior team within collaborative team meetings. This data is collated and shared with our Numeracy Intervention Support Leader who works with selected students to help solidify the foundation skills required in Numeracy. Small group sessions occur twice a week involving hands on, explicit teaching and exploration of the basic number facts to support the learners needs in each group.

At Kunyung, all students have the opportunity to learn French, where they discover what it means to be French and its culture. Kunyung Primary School strives to deliver authentic and meaningful language learning experiences, engaging in the culture embedded within a language.
We aim to inspire an interest in the French speaking culture, people and places, providing skills that will endure and encourage our students to continue with a lifelong love for learning languages and respect for other cultures. Learning a language can enrich personal development and facilitate international mindedness.
Madame Montana is our LOTE teacher and she is a native French speaker from Paris. She is also a qualified LOTE (French) teacher.
Students, at Kunyung are encouraged to participate in French through speaking, listening, singing, writing, reading and using audio-visual resources. French is taught once a week in 40 minutes sessions from Preps to Grade 6.
Sessions follow our Instructional Model where students are given opportunities to use French language in conversations, explore French language concepts based on the students’ own passions and interests as they work through a guided continuum acording to their own point of need atany given time.

STEM is an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM at Kunyung Primary School is a hands-on experience that encourages students to think critically, work cooperatively and develop problem solving techniques. We cover Units of Discovery that relate to students’ own daily lives, as well as delving into concepts that fascinate, evoke curiosity and inspire. Student’s creativity is encouraged as children are provided with the opportunity to ask questions and seek solutions using a range of different processes, such as the scientific investigative method and engineering design process.
Why is STEM important?
The continual advances in technology are changing the way students learn, connect and interact every day. Skills developed by students through STEM provide them with the foundation to succeed at Primary school, High school and beyond.

Physical Education
The physical education program includes:
- Formal weekly physical education classes
- Annual intensive swimming programs in an indoor heated pool.
- School camps (Middles & Seniors)
- House Sport Carnivals
- Interschool Sport which provides students with the opportunity to represent Kunyung Primary School at District through to State level
- Strong involvement in community initiatives such as The Premier’s Active April & Walk Safely to School Day.
Kunyung Primary promotes healthy, active lifestyles in an effort to contribute to the future good health and wellbeing of our students and therefore our society.

Performing Arts
Every second year we hold a whole school musical production at the New Peninsula Theatre. Our school is renowned for the quality and originality of it’s productions. They really are vibrant and all inclusive with personal touches relevant to the school community. On the alternate year we have a Christmas concert at our purpose built soundshell on the oval overlooking Port Phillip Bay. It’s a wonderful uplifting community event with a breathtaking sunset view as a backdrop to the singing and dancing. In the same year there is also a Kunyung Starsearch talent quest where students can individually showcase their talents.
Instrumental Music
Our students have the opportunity to attend private music tuition in keyboard and guitar. These take place on the school premises during school hours. Please see visit the Extra Curricular section for further information.

Visual Arts
The Arts are highly valued at Kunyung Primary School. We believe learning about and through the Arts is fundamental to the development of the whole child, promoting creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills and social interactions. The Arts are a powerful mode of communication through which students explore and construct a sense of self and develop an understanding of the world around them. Arts provide students with a wide range of opportunities and means to respond to their experiences and engage with historical, social and cultural perspectives. Students are stimulated to think and to articulate their thoughts in new ways, and through a variety of media and technologies.
The impact of our amazing Visual Arts program is clearly evident upon entering our grounds and permeates throughout the school. Our visual arts teachers, who are artists in their own right, share their passion and talents with our students.
Students are involved in creative processes that encourage the development and expression of ideas and skills using Visual Arts. Drawing on imagination and innovation, students resolve problems which are inherent in art projects. They consider the elements of art and design: line, shape, form, colour, texture and value, within their own creations and when analysing artworks made by others. The historical and contemporary role of visual arts across diverse cultures is studied to assist students in developing the skills to appreciate and reflect on varied works of art including their own, developing deeper understandings of the elements and principles of art and design in the world around them.
At the Senior level of the school, students are involved in a Teaching Artistic Behaviours (TAB) program, enabling them to develop Studio Habits of Mind in a choice-based curriculum. This empowers them to explore a wider range of materials, skills and techniques to develop the confidence to express themselves more personally through Visual Arts.
Students can participate in lunchtime Art Clubs and all have the opportunity to be involved in exhibitions, competitions and projects both locally and globally.

At Kunyung Primary School we support the rights of all members of the school community to be provided with and engage in a safe, inclusive and supportive learning environment. This extends to the use of digital tools and online communities and is underpinned by our expectation of safe and responsible behaviour of all members of the school community.
Computer literacy is an essential part of education in today’s technological society and computers are used to enhance our curriculum. Each classroom has access to at least four computers (Preps & Junior classroom notebooks) with internet access.
Years 3 to 6 students have the option to take part in our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program that will allow students to access the school’s internet, storage servers and printer servers on devices that have been brought in from home. As part of the program, students with approved devices are entitled to access software applications included in the Department’s eduSTAR software images can provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning of safe and responsible use of digital technologies. There are currently over 80 software applications available on the eduSTAR – Win software list. The software images include Microsoft and open source applications.
The broad range of applications cover: Animation, concept and Mind Mapping, digital video and image creation, drawing and painting, interactive curricular resources, logic and problem-solving, 3D modelling and game-making, presentation and multimedia tools, sound and music making, thinking skills, web authoring tools & writing tools.
We are involved in the eSmart Schools program. This is a cultural change initiative developed by the Foundation in consultation with academic and industry experts. eSmart aims to create positive, respectful and inclusive cultures that reduce bullying, cyber bullying and increase cybersafety.

Student Wellbeing
At Kunyung Primary School, we put the wellbeing of our students first by incorporating opportunities for Social and Emotional Learning into our programs. We have a behaviour support program that is consistent across our whole school. Each classroom and specialist area develop, with the students, their expectations through classroom agreements. We provide students with the opportunity to make better choices and ensures they are equipped with the skills for lifelong learning.
Students have opportunities to practise their social and emotional learning in safe classroom environments, where we have created a culture of celebrating efforts and encouraging students to demonstrate their Growth Mindset across all areas of the curriculum. A recent focus has been on enhancing students engagement through regular practise of mindfulness through mindful colouring, meditation, manipulating different materials and resources that vary from level to level.
Our Wellbeing Program involves students, parents, school staff and support agencies in developing Individual Learning Plans that target specific academic, behavioural and social needs for students. Parents are kept informed of student progress and work in collaboration with the school to ensure student learning is maximised. Staff members work collaboratively to ensure that the learning journey of each student is smooth, logical and seamless. Leadership and teachers work collaboratively to continue to use data to inform of individual needs to maximise potential.
Kunyung Primary School uses the Compass Platform as the tool to communicate with parents including:
– excursion notifications
– distribution of our weekly newsletter
– upcoming events through the yearly calendar
– interview bookings, etc
Compass also enables parents to communicate efficiently with the school for a variety of reasons: absence reasons, online payments, parent-teacher interviews, semester reporting, wellbeing and behaviour management communications, etc.

Extra Curricular
At Kunyung Primary School we provide numerous opportunities to develop children beyond the classroom. Kunyung offers a wide variety of additional extra curricular activities. Some of these include;
- External music program – Hands on Music
- Camps
- Lunchtime clubs – Dance club, Choir (Junior and Senior), Kunyung’s got Talent, Art Club,
- Sporting Clinics (tennis, rugby, basketball, golf, netball, cricket)
- Kelly Sports
Whilst supporting numerous extra curricular opportunities Kunyung is always open to new activities and experiences driven by parents, students, teachers and the wider community.
Camp Program
We have a sequential Camp program from Years 3 – 6. Camps provide the students with the opportunity to:
- Extend their intellectual and social development in an outside school environment experience socialisation, group cooperation and independence.
- Take part in challenging activities that require decision-making and self reflection on consequences for both themselves and others.
- Develop personal qualities such as resourcefulness, leadership, tolerance and determination. Camps are conducted in Years 3 to 6 during terms 2 and 4. Students in Year 3 & 4 attend camp for 3 days and 2 nights.
The Year 5 & 6 students attend camp for 4-5 days where they test their endurance, environmental knowledge and strength in the physically demanding activities.
Students in Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to attend a Beach Water Safety Program during the year as part of their Prep to Year 6 in school swimming program.
Kitchen Garden
Our Kitchen Garden was created, designed and developed by our parents together with the wishes and design ideas of the students in 2017. Kitchen and food gardens are an increasingly popular way for schools to promote environmental and sustainability learning and connect students with healthy food and lifestyles.
The kitchen garden is integrated within our STEM program where the students are empowered to maintain and sustain growth and regrowth throughout the year. Students are actively involved throughout the whole process including the sales of fruit and vegetables in order to help finance the sustainability programs.
Chook Shed
At Kunyung Primary School we have chickens as part of our school’s commitment to teaching our students about ways to be sustainable in our daily lives. The chickens benefit from us by eating scraps from students’ leftovers, as well as other scraps that families bring in for them. They free range during the day on school days and find lots of goodies in the gardens to eat. In return, we have the opportunity to benefit from the chooks by collecting their eggs and using their manure in our compost heap. It is a mutually beneficial relationship!
As part of the Junior program, each class is rostered weekly to ‘Chicken Duty’. Students are able to care for our chickens by ensuring the pen remains tidy, changing their water, topping up their feeder and letting them out into the run in the morning and putting them to bed at the end of the day. These students also get the enviable task of collecting eggs and taking them to Mandy in the Canteen.
We have a dedicated parent group who are so helpful in making sure our chickens are the most well-loved chooks on the Peninsula. They are rostered on every weekend of the year and come down and check on the ‘girls’ when it’s their rostered weekend. Our Chicken Care Committee also purchase necessary food and equipment to keep everyone happy. They have also been responsible for improving the chicken area and it’s surrounds.
On Fridays, students sell our excess eggs at our whole school assembly. They taste delicious! We use this money to buy chicken feed and anything else we need.
Kunyung Primary School is very fortunate to have a well resourced Library which is presented to appeal to young, inquisitive minds. Our Library Technician, in consultation with our staff, sources a wide selection of fiction and non fiction books for students to use for reference and inquiry learning, as well as for pleasurable reading.
Students are encouraged to use the library as a resource; classes are scheduled into the library each week. It is used for research in connection with the programme of inquiry and also as a space where quality literature can be enjoyed. The library is open for borrowing at lunch time, before and after school. Students are encouraged to borrow books of interest that can be read by themselves, and also books that can be read to them and shared with others.
The Library is a particular focal point throughout the year and celebrates student literacy with Book Week, and an annual Book Fair, which fosters a love of reading.
Hands On Music
Kunyung Primary School has partnered with ‘Hands On Music’ to provide access to specialised music programs. Hands On Music is a Children’s Music Learning Service’ consisting of a sought after team of motivated specialist music teachers, committed to increasing the child’s musicality to the benefit and enrichment of the child’s emotional, social and academic development.
The following programs are available for students to learn and develop their gifts and talents in:
- Guitar
- Violin
- Saxophone
- Cello
- Piano
- Singing
- And much more.
Please see the attachment for details of our current music teachers, their days at Kunyung and the available instruments.
For more information:
- Visit the Hands On Music website at: www.handsonmusic.com.au or;
- Contact Jen on 0402 910 330 or;
- email: handsonmusic.j@gmail.com