The Written Report:
Determination of grading levels for formal reporting purposes will reflect student performances on summative assessment tasks. Student grades will reflect their most consistent level of achievement, usually their most recent level of achievement at the time of reporting. Teachers work collaboratively to determine achievement levels and to establish exemplars. Written reports are distributed in June and December of each year and follwed with opportunities for students to share their learning and for parent – teacher discussions.
Frequent feedback from teacher to student enables reflection and further refinement of skills and understandings supporting student learning and teacher planning. These take place regularly throughout the year.
These conferences occur formally at the start of each year and then as needed throughout the year. They are designed to give information about the student’s progress and needs, answer parent questions and inform parents about the school’s programme. Parents are given the opportunity to provide information about the cultural context of the student’s learning. Please feel free to arrange a teacher-parent conference at any time throughout the year.
The student is responsible for leading these conferences using different learning situations and work samples that have been previously discussed and prepared with the teacher. The student identifies strengths and areas for improvement. Students love the opportunity to share their learning from each unit of inquiry, with their parents, at various times throughout the year.
Involve the student discussing their learning and understanding with their parents and teacher, who are responsible for supporting the student through this process. Students reflect upon work samples, products and performances they have chosen with guidance from their teacher. Student, teacher and parents collaborate to establish and identify student’s strengths and areas for improvement. This may lead to the setting of new goals, with all determining how they can support the achievement of these goals. Three-way conferences are held following the written report in June.

How you can Help
- on committees,
- in the canteen,
- with excursions,
- Reading with students in the classroom,
- fundraising,
- cooking,
- Kitchen gardening,
- sewing and much more…

If you have a particular skill or trade qualification that you could offer, we would love to hear from you and work around your availabilities.
Each grade has an appointed Contact Parents to whom you can advise your availability and/or skills, in particular, helping in the classroom or on Canteen duty.
Our PE/Sports program is often in need of helpers to ensure the success of many of the fantastic programs which are offered to students.
Each year, nominations are received from parents wishing to join our School Council, and participate on of one of our Sub Committees. Please visit the school council section for more information.
Our Community Relations committee, are always looking for fundraising and social activity ideas, as well as willing helpers to co-ordinate and assist with holding events. They would be more than happy to welcome you onto their team.
Our Library Technician would be grateful to receive assistance from helpers who can assist with book covering, and other tasks necessary to keep our beautiful and well resources Library a focal point within the school.
If you have a love of gardening, our grounds and garden beds are in constant need of tendering. Our newly built kitchen garden enables our students to grow vegetables, which can then be used either in the canteen or for class cooking activities. Assistance with weeding and watering, especially over weekends and school holidays, would be gratefully appreciated.
Our Chicken Coop is also an initiative you can assist with. The Kunyung Chicken Care Crew are a group of volunteer parents who rotate performing ‘chicken duty’ on weekends to ensure the coop is kept maintained and the chickens cared for. We are always seeking ways to improve the coop. Plans include building a framework for the installation of a corrugated iron roof and gutter that will connect to a water tank; completion of paving to the coop entry gate; and other general aesthetic improvements such as painting, restoration of signs, and a low picket fence. If you have any skills in these areas and are able to volunteer your time, we would love to hear from you! We are also presently seeking donations of timber, large posts and 3 thick brush fence panels (in good used condition).
If you are interested in joining the Chicken Care Crew, or have skills and time to assist with the improvement plans, or can donate any items needed, please contact Kunyung Admin (9787 6102) to provide your contact details
As you can see, there are many ways in which you can be involved at Kunyung. If you can help, please continue to look through our website or contact us for more information.
Classroom Contact Parents
- Support the class teacher to organise parental assistance for the class – preparation of materials, adult help with individual children or groups, excursion or camp helpers, etc.
- Liaise closely with the class teacher – directly, by phone, in writing or all three.
- Provide a ‘first point of contact’ for new parents to the school. Invite them to morning tea, introduce them to other parents, help them to become acquainted with school procedures.
- Liaise with the Canteen Manager and assist with the completion of the canteen parent helper roster for your designated weeks.
It is important to remember that a contact parent is not expected to do all the work, a contact parent organises parents from the class to assist where they can.
Past contact parents have commented about how much value they gained from the experience. They had a deep understanding of how the school operates and they developed many new friendships through their experience.
- Please contact the office or your child’s classroom teacher if you would like to:
- find out who your classroom contact parent is; or
- become a classroom contact parent.

TeamKids – Before & After School Care,
Vacation Care
TeamKids is the premium provider that exists to enrich children’s lives before school, after school and throughout the school holidays.
Before & After Care Available Here!
When attending TeamKids before and after school care, your children are in remarkable hands. Our full-time Director of Service is highly experienced in the field, and their number one priority is fun – your child will love the experiences we have on offer every day at TeamKids.
When children join our team, not only are they able to explore their world through our designated activity zones and TeamKids Clubs, but they’ll get to connect, collaborate and learn with others in a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters their individuality and own unique interests.
They’ll also enjoy an incredible menu, jam-packed with nutritious and delicious food. One thing is for sure, your child will not go hungry.
From the moment you walk through the door, TeamKids provides an atmosphere that is welcoming, relaxed and inclusive. At every opportunity, we aim to promote child agency and help to shape their innate leadership skills through a variety of in-house leadership opportunities and fun, engaging rewards programs.
We offer industry-leading educator to child ratios of 1:10 (industry standard is 1:15), resulting in safer, better supervised experiences for all involved.
All our programs are fully approved under the National Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
We’re excited and look forward to welcoming you to the TeamKids Family.
To find out more, register or book, click here
School Council
Our School council plays a key role in Kunyung Primary School, and being a member of the school council is a rewarding and challenging experience. Acting as a team, council supports the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students. Each council member participates in an induction program to understand the function of the Council.
Good governance strengthens community confidence in the council and helps to ensure the council’s reputation is maintained and enhanced. Good governance enables the council to perform efficiently and effectively and to respond strategically to changing demands and educational challenges.
Although each councillor brings their own valuable life skills and knowledge to the role, councillors work together to develop skills and acquire knowledge in areas that may be unfamiliar to them. These might include developing the broad direction and vision for the school, interpreting data or financial statements, working effectively as a council or understanding legislative and policy requirements.

School Council Nominations are submitted to the school in Term 1, if you are interested in becoming involved in the school council please contact the office for process details. If you have a question in relation to a specific issue you wish to be discussed at the school council sub-committee, please contact one of the council convenors so they can add the items for discussion.
2024 Members of the Kunyung Primary School Council
Buildings & Grounds
Jo Brancatisano
Greg Banks
Craig Entwistle
(Convenor for Buildings & Grounds)
Mercil Lariba
Gina Brickles
Angela Morrow
Lee Murphy
Lauren Ormsby
Chelsea Troutman
Brett Williams
Megan Choury
Melanie Woodland
(Convenor for Education)
Jasmina Blount
(Vice President)
Suzanne Tonks
Kim Jackson
(School Principal)
Eleanor Nuttall
(Convenor for Finance)